How can recruitment businesses harness technology for growth?

27 November 2019

In this fast-paced sector, RSM understands the importance of a tailored digital strategy to achieve growth.

Ongoing changes in the recruitment sector present both opportunities and risks. We help our clients achieve their goals through our understanding of evolving cloud SaaS technologies and best practice in digital strategy.

We work in partnership with our clients on their growth journey to provide solutions and maximise competitive advantage.

From optimising engagement, driving successful projects and adapting to market changes, our experts explain the pivotal role digital strategy has to play in today’s recruitment industry.

Watch our series of video insights to find out more.


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Video Description
What is the role of technology in the future of recruitment? Neil Thomas, head of the recruitment sector, highlights the pivotal role of technology.
How can technology help recruitment businesses to be competitive?
In a competitive market, Neil Thomas explains how exploiting evolving technologies can be a game changer for recruitment businesses.
Why do recruitment CFOs need to exploit technology? Roger Lovis, head of technology and management consulting, explains why.
What does growth mean for your recruitment business?
Roger Lovis explains how you can position your recruitment business for growth.
How can changes in legislation impact recruitment businesses?
Neil Thomas argues that changes in legislation can present both risks and opportunities for recruitment businesses.
How can recruitment businesses bring customers closer?
Roger Lovis explains how technology enriches customer understanding.
How can recruitment businesses increase quality engagement?
Neil Thomas explains the importance of being digitally led for recruitment businesses.
How can cloud technology support scalability & flexibility?
Roger Lovis explains how successful digital is not just about the technology.
Why does cloud technology drive successful projects?
Roger Lovis argues projects are changing in our latest insight for recruitment sector leaders.
Why RSM?
What makes RSM an ideal partner to help your recruitment business to grow?

For more information on how RSM can help your recruitment business reach its full digital potential, please contact Roger Lovis or Neil Thomas. 

Neil  Thomas
Partner, Head of Recruitment Sector
Neil  Thomas
Partner, Head of Recruitment Sector