RSM's healthcare specialist team has a deep understanding of our clients’ needs across the interconnected healthcare community. We can support your organisation to meet the demands of the changing healthcare market - with a range of specialist services tailored to your needs.

The pandemic has led to a transformative approach in the delivery of healthcare across the UK. We have seen a combined effort and joined up ways of working between health and social care organisations and the supporting ecosystem of private and public sector organisations.

Our specialist industry team provides audit, tax and consulting to a wide range of organisations within:

We are proud to be a member of Care England.

Care England logo

Suneel Gupta
Suneel  Gupta
Partner, Head of Private Healthcare
Suneel Gupta
Suneel  Gupta
Partner, Head of Private Healthcare
  • NHS VAT webinar series
  • RSM and Care England
  • RSM and The King's Fund

NHS VAT webinar series

Our NHS VAT webinars aim to help NHS finance officers gain up-to-date and bite-size insights on VAT and tax issues affecting their organisations.

RSM and Care England

RSM is working with Care England, the leading representative body for care providers in England, on a series of webinars on accounting, tax and consulting issues impacting the care sector:



RSM and The King's Fund

We were delighted to collaborate with The King’s Fund at their 2024 digital health and care conference.

Health Matters

Health Matters features the latest insights and guidance from our specialists across the healthcare industry, including the NHS and public health sector, the private health sector.

International business services

Whether you’re taking your business overseas for the first time or you want to improve your current international operations, we can help.

Environmental, Social and Governance

ESG is an essential consideration for any business wanting to impress stakeholders and contribute to the sustainability movement.