Private equity portfolio company services

Our private equity portfolio company team works with a significant number of portfolio company management teams and understands the pressure they are under to make the investment strategy a success.

Investment lifecycle

We provide portfolio companies with immediate support post deal, through the valuation creation phase, preparing for exit and realisation. Our portfolio company team provides assurance, tax and our six consulting solutions:

100-day plan support

At RSM, we have a dedicated multi-disciplined team and a suite of services to support management teams with core elements of the 100-day plan. Our services address the points identified during the due diligence process and from the structure of the investment. We help address ‘post-deal hygiene’ so that there is no loss of value as the business progresses through the investment lifecycle. 


We offer a range of technology solutions to enhance our service quality, including software that allows management and RSM’s private equity team to oversee all actions during the 100-day post-deal phase, complete with progress visualisation.