Is your business ready for a future transaction? Preparing your business for a deal well in advance of the transaction helps achieve the best possible outcome for you and your shareholders.

A transaction puts strain on the resources of all businesses, no matter their size. If you are considering an exit, whether in the next few months or even years, our experienced corporate finance team can help you prepare early to minimise disruption. We will transaction-proof your business, ensuring you achieve a deal that meets your aspirations.   

Strategically positioning the business for sale and building a credible and compelling growth story is proven to maximise value. A readiness review gives you and your shareholders focus for the coming months or years. With greater visibility of your strengths and growth opportunities, you and stakeholders can align on plans and increase the certainty of a transaction completing.  

Our readiness reviews  

During this focused review, our experts will show you how your business would be perceived now and how it could be elevated for a transaction. Our approach starts with understanding your objectives and intended timescales before we complete a detailed review of the business.

Using our combined experience, knowledge of the business’ sector and the wider mergers and acquisitions (M&A) market, we also make recommendations. All recommendations focus on how the business and shareholders can increase the likelihood of the transaction happening and improve the potential terms in a deal. Together, we’ll explore the financial metrics that buyers in your industry look at and whether you are maximising them. We also show you the external perception of your business and management team, which of your USPs would attract an investor, and where there are weaknesses in your growth plan that you could address.

Using our experience of preparing businesses and shareholders for exit, we use a five-stage guide to steer our review process. We will:  

  • work with you to understand the objectives of the shareholders;
  • identify the key drivers of value within your market, market positioning, and growth story;
  • analyse the business, in particular, focusing on those areas that will be important to a buyer/investor;
  • identify what actions to take now to increase the likelihood of meeting shareholders’ objectives; and
  • continue to work with you as you implement the action plan.