Our deal services team advises entrepreneurs, investors and corporates across the whole transaction journey, enabling a smoother process from start to finish. In addition, we understand that each transaction is unique and the information needed will vary for each deal, sometimes requiring only specific input on key areas. From pre-transaction preparation to post-deal integration, our experience and technical expertise brings commercial and pragmatic solutions to enhance deal value and help you secure a successful outcome.
How we can help with your transaction
Our specialist teams advise on key technical and commercial elements of a transaction, including:
Transaction tax
The tax structuring of your deal could add or reduce value by millions. Earnouts, deferrals and re-investment are just a few of the complexities you might face on the tax position of a deal. Our transaction tax team are specialists in pre-sale planning and structuring UK and cross-border deals, using our knowledge to enhance and protect value while navigating tax risks and potential pitfalls.
Data analytics
Data is an increasingly important component of deal support, providing buyers and sellers the much-needed insight to make strategic business decisions with confidence. Our transactions analytics team delivers in-depth commercial insights, providing innovative, interactive analysis of deal-critical areas, efficiently. This enables businesses to evidence key messages and trends with measurable data, unlocking additional deal value.
A flexible and robust financial model drives insight and value into your deal. Whether you’re buying or selling a business, raising funds or simply want a better understanding of your growth plans, you will benefit from a driver-based forecasting tool. We work with shareholders and management teams to prepare transparent, integrated models that build confidence in forecasts and investment decisions. We also review, maintain and support models throughout the business lifecycle.
Poor valuations can put value at risk as well as creating significant tax and accounting issues. Our valuation team has extensive expertise in testing the commercial valuation pre-deal for carve-outs, acquisitions and restructurings, whilst also assisting with certain post-deal accounting-led considerations, such as goodwill allocations. As part of our deal support, we work extensively with private equity fund managers to assist with carried interest and portfolio valuations.
Sale and Purchase Agreements
Our SPA advisory team advises buyers and sellers on complex and high value aspects of the deal, working closely with your legal advisers to help avoid or resolve potential problems. This includes key financial aspects, such as completion accounts, working capital definitions and earnouts, all of which can significantly impact the deal value. Post-deal, we advise on disputes to resolve matters in a fast and efficient way.
Financial accounting advisory
Deals have unique accounting considerations, often impacting your income statement and balance sheet unexpectedly, and it forms the starting point for your tax position. Our financial accounting advisory specialists provide robust insights on the potential accounting outcomes and provide advice where the accounting might not be reflective of your deal’s intentions. We integrate our work with other teams throughout the process, to provide a seamless and efficient service.
Post-deal advisory
It’s easy to overlook integration, but the success of the deal often lies in what happens after completion. Issues will undoubtedly have been identified in diligence and there can be a lot to do to achieve the agreed plan, including restructurings, changes to your governance or controls, and integrating or upgrading financial systems. Our multi-disciplinary team supports businesses across a wide range of technical and commercial specialisms to drive value and smooth the integration process.