We’ve developed a suite of online training modules, designed to give your employees the skills required to complete the VAT return process effectively and with confidence.

This training covers key VAT rules, procedures and controls that will support correct and timely VAT returns. Our training educates your employees about when output VAT should be charged and the input VAT your business is entitled to reclaim.

The training can be delivered on a wide range of VAT issues, including:

  • AP/AR and group reporting functions;
  • VAT and international supply chains;
  • VAT accounting for property transactions;
  • VAT issues and opportunities for the trade sector or business; and
  • VAT for charities and/or grant-funded organisations.

What are the benefits of VAT training for your employees?

Having tight VAT processes is an ongoing challenge for many businesses. The rules are often complex, and the ways that transactions are structured can change the VAT treatment. The VAT process usually needs to involve several employees across various departments – who may not be aligned on best practice.

Our tailored VAT training will make sure your staff have the knowledge, experience and confidence to carry out their responsibilities, effectively. We’ll help you minimise errors, reducing the risk of inflated costs, accounting mistakes or penalties.

Our training ensures you’re taking a consistent approach to VAT processes across all areas of the business, resulting in complete control of your VAT process for SAO reporting processes, internal audit and HMRC Business Risk Reviews. Training will add to a body of evidence which shows you’re taking reasonable care with your VAT – working in your favour if errors do occur.

Every business can benefit from VAT training. It’s particularly useful if you have new starters in your finance team, you’ve just started your business, or you’ve made acquisitions to grow your operations.

Online, on-demand delivery

Our training is pre-recorded by our VAT specialists and hosted online so you can access it whenever you like. You can incorporate this into your onboarding process for new joiners or your annual training cycle. If you need to prove a greater level of understanding, we’ll provide testing to check evidence understanding.

We can adapt this training to suit your needs. It can take the form of basic modules for onboarding and consistency, bespoke detailed training or jointly presented modules that are tailored to your specific business needs. We’ll embed our training into your employees’ day-to-day actions so it’s easier for them to grasp.

You can add your training modules to your internal systems to use whenever they’re needed.

One-off package and annual service options

You can purchase a one-off package of training modules. However, do bear in mind that it will have a limited shelf life as the content will not be regularly updated to reflect changes to VAT.

If you want to stay on top of annual VAT changes, we recommend our annual update service. We’ll make sure any changes to the VAT rules that have happened in the last financial year are added to your training. With this service, you also have the option to spread the cost over a three-to-five-year period.

Arrange a demo and discuss your needs today

To see a demo of our VAT training in action, or to chat about your tailored training needs, please contact Anne Holt or Ian Carpenter.

VAT Number Checker VAT Number Checker

VAT number checker

Our VAT number checker software validates your customer and supplier VAT numbers in bulk – ensuring your VAT risks are managed efficiently and effectively.