Rob McCarthy

Rob McCarthy

Head of Transaction Services
Rob McCarthy
Rob McCarthy
Head of Transaction Services

About Rob McCarthy

Rob McCarthy is an experienced due diligence partner responsible for RSM’s deal services solutions. Rob heads the firm's Transaction Services team nationally and is the regional lead for the wider corporate finance in the North West region. He is also the national lead for EnABLE, our network for disability inclusion.

As a due diligence partner, Rob advises private equity and corporate clients on transactions including acquisitions, mergers and divestitures. His experience and insights result from over 250 transactions delivered during 27 years in both professional practice and senior roles in industry. 

Rob has lead roles within the firm across a number of sectors, including: 

In his role with EnABLE, Rob is instrumental in ensuring RSM is a place of inclusion for individuals who identify as having a disability, either physical or hidden.

'In business and in life, I abide by a few simple rules. Treat everyone equally and with respect, do the simple things with excellence and, as my original life-tutor (my dad) would say, ‘Deliver a fair day’s work for a fair day’s pay.’ RSM and our clients deliver the perfect platform for me to demonstrate leadership through these rules.'

Away from RSM, Rob is a tenacious, if not talented, long distance runner – enjoying the quiet life in the High Peak with his wife, Karen, and two boxer dogs. His love for running and sports extends to a number of charities he supports with fundraising and coaching.

Rob's RSM timeline:
  • 2023 – became National head of Transaction Services
  • 2022 – became National head of EnABLE, the firm’s disability inclusion network
  • 2020 – became northwest regional head of Corporate Finance
  • 2019 – joined the firm as a due diligence partner in Manchester, northwest