About Matt Sims
Matt Sims is a transfer pricing specialist, working with international businesses to help them design, implement, manage and document the pricing and other terms of transactions between their group companies. Matt has over 12 years of experience as a full time transfer pricing specialist, including a number of Big 4 roles. In this role, he has worked with businesses of all sizes on transfer pricing and related tax issues.
Transfer pricing plays an important role in determining the profit profile of an international group, so getting it right is important for the group and a key focus for tax authorities.
Matt works with clients at all stages of the business lifecycle, from large listed companies to high growth businesses. He works with clients across a wide range of sectors, and has particular interests in life sciences and technology.
“I enjoy really getting to know my clients and their businesses, and working closely with them to address their transfer pricing questions and issues.”
Matt's RSM timeline:
- 2023: joined RSM as an Associate Director in our UK transfer pricing practice