Middle market businesses are becoming increasingly aware of the threats around cyber security. But navigating these threats means adapting to constantly evolving legislation and managing risks arising from third-party services. 

Underpinned by real-time middle market data and analysis from RSM’s technology risk experts, our cyber security report reveals the measures businesses are taking to safeguard themselves against potential harm.

  • Awareness of the cyber risks
  • Third-party cyber attacks
  • Cyber security legislation

Awareness of the cyber risks

In an age where cyber threats loom large, awareness is the first line of defence. Recent high-profile attacks have underscored the threat posed by cyber criminals to businesses, forcing companies to become increasingly proactive, equipping themselves with the knowledge and tools to thwart digital dangers. This preparedness is crucial, reflecting a commitment to robust cyber security practices against potential attacks.

Third-party cyber attacks

Cyber criminals continue to exploit weak points in organisations’ cyber security chains, often targeting third-party services. These services are especially attractive to criminals as the economies of scale they could achieve with a successful attack are plentiful. As a result, businesses must be aware of the risks and potential liabilities if a third-party provider they use is compromised. Clear contractual terms are essential when engaging with third-parties.

Cyber security legislation

As legislation evolves, staying compliant is a moving target that requires constant attention. Organisations must be vigilant, adapting their cyber security strategies to align with the latest regulatory standards throughout their supply chain. This ongoing effort is key to maintaining a secure and legally sound business environment in the face of rapid technological developments like artificial intelligence.
Cyber security insight

Managing third-party risk with cyber security

Cyber security insight

How to stay on top of evolving cyber security legislation

Cyber security podcast

In our latest episode of The Loop, our host Sheila Pancholi, Technology Risk Partner at RSM UK, is joined by Stuart Leach, Cyber Risk Partner at RSM UK, and Alex Sromek, Head of cyber security at SSP Group plc, to discuss the evolving cyber security landscape for businesses. They explore how businesses can enhance their supply chain security and navigate the complex legislative environment and rapid advancements in generative AI. 

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