14 March 2024
RSM was approached to support LOROS in establishing a common understanding and awareness of apprenticeships, utilise the opportunities available through apprenticeships and to establish a framework to embed apprenticeship within the business. Leicestershire and Rutland Organisation for the Relief of Suffering (LOROS) were keen to work with a consultancy that really understood the market, as well as being able to understand their context and work flexibly with them, advising and guiding them from a grass roots level. They were looking for tailored advice and guidance as well as localised insight.
LOROS are an independent charity that provides hospice and respite care and support to around 2,500 people each year across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. The staff and volunteer team at LOROS are passionate about the organisation and its reputation. LOROS are absolutely committed to enabling a high quality working culture, with a focus to continue to support and develop their staff to ensure they have the right skills.
Key challenges
LOROS were facing a number of challenges at the beginning of this project. Firstly, a lack of clarity about the apprenticeship levy and how it could be used. Secondly, they were unsure what the opportunities were for them to become a provider of apprenticeships, and hence were keen to explore any potential for income generation. Thirdly, they wanted to gain better insight into how apprenticeships could be used to develop their existing workforce, including in relation to succession planning.
Partnering with RSM
RSM were appointed to create an apprenticeship route map and support the design and creation of an apprenticeship strategy through a series of stages, including:
- apprenticeship awareness and training;
- measures to evaluate the impact of apprenticeship training including creation of key performance indicators;
- establish clear processes and audit trail for the selection of training providers ensuring value for money and quality of service delivery; and
- tailored action plan and milestones for implementation.
Since procuring RSM to guide LOROS through these challenges, they now have an in depth understanding of the apprenticeship process as well as a strategy and detailed plan for how to embed apprenticeships into the organisational culture through PDR discussions and as part of their recruitment considerations. LOROS are making good progress and have seen an increase in the amount of apprenticeships being considered and taken up as part of internal workforce development and supporting their existing members of staff. Their first year will be spent focusing on utilising apprenticeships internally, whilst in the second year they will look to work with partners in delivery of apprenticeships and latterly to conduct a further review around becoming an independent training provider. For the first time as an organisation, LOROS have gained insight from line managers and from apprentices around their experiences and perceptions of apprenticeships which have helped to inform their plans around the internal communication process and the wrap around care and support needed to help them in there journey. The framework provided to LOROS by RSM has also helped them to seek providers from a much wider pool which they believe will ensure higher quality experiences, as well as better value for money for the organisation.
Client testimonial
James’ solution focussed approach to our challenges has been so gratefully received at LOROS. Not only has he guided us through the process step by step, he has also spoken at meetings with our Heads of Department to add clarity to our message as well as providing us with templates and action plans that we have been able to tweak and use easily. Meetings with James have been both informative and enjoyable. Deliverables have always been ahead of schedule and it has been fantastic to feel that we can pick up the phone at any time with any queries or simply to ask for advice. I would highly recommend James and RSM to any organisation seeking to improve or better understand how to get the most from their apprenticeship levy. Thank you.
Liz McIntyre, Director of Education, Learning and Development, LOROS