RSM’s global employer services technology solutions help make the management of your globally mobile workforce user friendly and compliant. We don't adopt a one size fits all approach - our technology solutions and processes are flexible and tailored to you at the onboarding stage. 

Our specialist teams are involved in all aspects of our service to you, including the technology. Your needs are at the heart of our people-led approach. 

  • RSM AssignmentPro
  • RSM Pinpoint

RSM AssignmentPro

RSM AssignmentPro is our global mobility programme management tool used by RSM teams in the UK and globally. 

The tool has a number of features to facilitate a user-friendly experience for individual expatriates and in-house global mobility teams. 

Individual expatriates– each individual has access to their own secure portal. This allows them to securely share documents with RSM, track actions, complete an online travel calendar and organiser and access tax return filings.

Corporate clients – a secure portal where corporate global mobility teams can initiate RSM services, track tax compliance and social security, share documents such as compensation data and access a wide range of reports.

RSM AssignmentPro is configured for each individual client, is flexible and can be tailored so that you and your expatriates have the benefit of a technology driven solution delivered and managed by your RSM personal contact.

RSM Pinpoint

RSM Pinpoint is our global business traveller and global remote worker tracking and assessment tool. The tool is flexible and  scalable. It can be used to assist organisations to assess the tax and social security risks created by the global traveller and a global remote workforce.

Ongoing tracking and reporting – RSM Pinpoint can monitor global business travellers on an ongoing basis, on either a pre or post travel basis. The tool can assess risks created by a business trip or a series of business trips and track reporting requirements.  

One-off assessments – RSM Pinpoint can run a ‘one off’ assessment to provide a summary of the key risks created by a particular business trip or a request for an employee to work in a country different to that of home employment (a global remote or global hybrid arrangement).

The tool will provide a summary assessment to include:

  • tax;
  • payroll;
  • social security;
  • permanent establishment;
  • Posted Worker Directive; and 
  • immigration.* 

* additional fee - immigration data is provided by an external provider. RSM UK does not provide immigration services.

Our permanent establishment (PE) assessment logic is country specific across 120+ jurisdictions, covering Fixed place of business PE, Dependant Agent PE, Service PE

RSM Pinpoint is a scalable tool with various access options with reports and assessments.

For more information or to book a demo, please complete the form