Our modern slavery services go beyond compliance. We use our practical and real-world experience to help you identify and address modern slavery vulnerabilities in your organisation and your supply chain, and ensure that your policy documentation meets legal requirements.

  • How we can help you
  • Frequently asked questions

How we can help you

Policy and documentation compliance

We can help to make sure you are legally compliant with the Modern Slavery Act by reviewing your modern slavery statement and aligned policies. We’ll also review your documented approach to supplier risk assessments, the relevant clauses in precedent suppliers and third party agreements, and/or your processes.

Risk management and maturity assessment 

Our comprehensive assessment gives you recommendations you can act on, so that you and your stakeholders have confidence that your organisation is truly committed to eliminating modern slavery.

We can help you to identify and evaluate:

  • your current anti-modern slavery performance and strategy;
  • best practice and gaps;
  • key elements of a working strategy, and appropriate actions to support the implementation of that strategy.

Practical support

We can help you deliver improvements in your working practices, including:

  • improvement action plans;
  • Modern Slavery Act, section (54) statement writing;
  • developing Modern Slavery Act management systems (leadership, supply chain, risk assessment, due diligence, KPIs, training, policies and procedures);
  • worker interview strategies;
  • worker interviews and on-site assessments;
  • modern slavery training on topics such as:
    • spotting the signs;
    • investigating modern slavery; and
    • worker interview skills;
  • facilitation of modern slavery working groups;
  • supplier engagement, workshops and awareness days; and
  • supply chain assessment tools.

Frequently asked questions

Rich Hall
Head of Sustainability and ESG services
Rich Hall
Head of Sustainability and ESG services