Information storage and communications technologies continue to develop at an astonishing rate. Many businesses rely on information that is shared and stored electronically to carry out their operations.

While digital accessibility is a positive development it can be challenging to identify and recover evidence of misconduct or other relevant information required during litigation.

Our forensic technology experts effectively capture, sort, analyse and produce evidence. We capture the necessary information from a variety of different formats, including the full range of electronic media and platforms including both cloud based and physical systems. 

We provide e-discovery services for the production of legal disclosure and data hosting. Our team utilise a range of powerful tools and processes to minimise the amount of data requiring review and to assist you through the disclosure process in the most efficient and cost-effective manner possible.

Our experienced team understand the rules of evidence in both criminal and civil matters and, so we can act as expert witnesses in court for you. 

For further information about our forensic technology services, get in touch with Andrew Conti.