Our team has more than two decades of experience in asset tracing. Our experts can help you plan and execute your recovery action wherever you are in the world. Our team can help you with a variety of asset tracing services , such as in the context of:

  • integrity due diligence;
  • executing court judgements;
  • determining whether it will be worthwhile for a corporate client to pursue debts; and
  • high profile divorce cases.

Before you decide to take recovery action, we’ll help you understand what assets are available, where they are, and how likely it is that they can be recovered. We carry out our analysis with cost benefit in mind, maximising the chance that our strategies are as financially beneficial as possible and make commercial sense.

We will work with your legal teams to identify and/or take control, where possible, of all available assets. We will also identify those who may be liable for losses, such as professional advisors, to give you other avenues for recovery action.

We are a multi-disciplinary team with extensive experience across a wide breadth of recovery strategies. Our forensic services team includes forensic accountants, asset-tracing specialists, deep-web researchers and forensic technology experts.

We use bespoke strategies that are tailored to your requirements, allowing us to make the best use of our experience and skillsets in asset identification.

Our insolvency advisers are often appointed as receivers and administrators in complex cases, where security over assets is crucial to preserving the rights of our clients. Our team take a joined-up approach to securing assets for recovery, which achieves better results than approaching different aspects of recovery separately.

We are familiar with most jurisdictions, including the former Soviet Union, the Middle East and Africa and Asia.

Our qualifications

Our experts have appeared in court as experts and witnesses of fact in large, contentious asset recovery engagements. Our team can also provide testimonies in written reports and verbally.

We have a deep understanding of banking transactions, including specialist issues such as those relating to Hawala systems and networks. Our global network operates in more than 120 countries, meaning we understand both your language and civil litigation rules.

Get in touch to find out how our asset tracing team can support your recovery efforts.