We confirm, to the best of our knowledge and belief, and having made appropriate enquiries of other officials of the Academy Trust.
Regularity, Accounting records and transactions
- We acknowledge and have fulfilled our responsibility for ensuring that expenditure and income are applied for the purposes intended by Parliament and that the financial transactions conform to the authorities which govern them.
- Neither the board of trustees nor the academy trust management have knowingly authorised a course of action, the financial impact of which was that transactions infringe the requirements of regularity.
- All transactions undertaken by the Academy Trust have been properly reflected and recorded in the accounting records.
Information provided
- As agreed in the terms of engagement, we have provided you with full and free access at all times to the financial records correspondence and other records of the academy trust, and such information and explanation as are necessary for the performance of your duties.
- We confirm that as far as we are aware:
- no services have been provided to us or our affiliated entities by RSM network firms and their related entities that we have not already informed you of;
- no gifts, hospitality, favours, donations or sponsorship have been exchanged between us or our affiliated entities and RSM network firms and their related entities that we have not already informed you of;
- no employment relationships exist between us or our affiliated entities and partners or employees of RSM network firms and their related entities we have not already informed you of; and
- no other business or personal relationships exist between us or our affiliated entities and RSM network forms and their related entities we have not already informed you of.
The related entities of RSM network firms are as set out in the list provided.
Compliance with laws and regulations
- We have disclosed all events of which we are aware which involve suspected non-compliance with the framework of authorities including:
- the funding agreement with the Secretary of State for Education;
- the Academies Financial Handbook;
- Company law and Charity law;
- Specific terms and conditions of income received.
which provide a legal and contractual framework within which the academy trust conducts its business and which are central to its ability to conduct that business. We have also notified you of the actual or contingent consequences that may arise from such non-compliance and any Financial Notice to Improve.
We acknowledge our responsibility for the design, implementation and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation of the Academy Trust’s Statement of Regularity, Propriety and Compliance and ensuring that expenditure and income are applied for the purposes intended by Parliament and financial transactions conform to the authorities which govern them.
We confirm that the above representations are made on the basis of enquiries of management and staff with relevant knowledge and experience (and, where appropriate, of inspection of supporting documentation) sufficient to satisfy ourselves that we can properly make each of the above representations to you.