
Sarah is RSM’s VAT Technical Associate Director with over 20 years’ experience advising on VAT and indirect taxes. She is responsible for reporting on VAT developments and writing external publications on VAT matters. Sarah is an industry commentator on VAT and a regular contributor to RSM’s Weekly Tax Brief for journalists.

Sarah began her career at HMRC and was a consultant in practice before moving into her technical role. She was also previously a consultant in practice at top ten accountancy firm, Grant Thornton. Sarah has been a member of the VAT Practitioners Group for over 20 years.

Asked what motivates her in her working life, Sarah says:

I love the fact that understanding VAT is all about understanding what people and organisations do, so my job teaches me more about how the world works every day.

Outside of work, Sarah is married and lives in rural Sussex. She enjoys music, photography, exploring the great outdoors and is looking forward to resuming her interest in foreign travel when she can.

Sarah’s RSM timeline:

  • 2019: joined RSM

Press and appearance highlights: