Nick Sladden
About Nick Sladden
Nick Sladden heads the RSM Charities and independent schools teams. He advises on audit, assurance and financial reporting and is an audit partner for our Top 250 charity clients and a number of leading independent schools.
Using his 20 years’ experience in the sector, Nick has developed RSM’s in-house guidance on charities SORP FRS102 as well as responding to charity commission/OSCR consultations on financial reporting developments in the last few years. He has also worked with charity clients internationally including projects in France, Germany, Ireland and Romania and with RSM International in other locations.
Nick holds the diploma in charity accounting and has completed the Governing for Nonprofit Excellence Program at Harvard Business School and is a Liveryman of The Worshipful Company of Scriveners of the City of London.
He is a member of both our academies and independent schools panels.
More recently, in 2016, Nick was the author of RSM’s Charity Governance 2020 and Audit and Finance Committees: Green Lights Ahead publications. Nick also regularly contributes to the firm's independent schools End of Term report.