Mark Waddilove

About Mark Waddilove
Mark Waddilove is a Tax Partner and heads our professional services business group for the London region. Mark also leads our national partnership and LLP tax team and specialises in advising UK and International Professional Service firms and partnerships. He regularly speaks and writes about a wide variety of topics including mixed member rules, salaried members tests, incorporations, mergers and acquisitions and business structures as well on wider strategic matters . He advises a range of clients including law firms, international legal firms, architects, management consultants, patent attorneys and engineers.
Mark also advises limited liability partnerships in the Financial Services sector, including hedge fund managers and asset managers. His particular areas of expertise are, partnership and partners’ tax compliance, tax and LLP structuring, structuring businesses operating in the UK for the first time, partner profit sharing arrangements, expanding firm’s businesses overseas or restructuring their existing UK operations.
Mark leads the firm’s partnership tax group and is chairman of the firm’s business and partnership/LLP steering group, a member of the Association of Partnership Practitioners and a Chartered Tax Adviser.