Jasper van Heesch

Jasper van Heesch

Director, Private Equity Senior Analyst
Jasper van Heesch
Jasper van Heesch
Director, Private Equity Senior Analyst

About Jasper van Heesch

Jasper van Heesch’s role in coverage is to work with the firm's international private equity clients and their portfolio companies, helping them benefit from the operational expertise that lies in RSM UK and its global network.

He will seek to collaborate with clients, deeply understand their goals and challenges, and bring ideas and insights.

Jasper helps PE firms and their portfolio companies to improve their operations. He works closely with RSM colleagues across all geographies, coordinates activities and brings the best of breed solutions to the clients.

His specialist areas are consulting, corporate finance and tax services for private equity-backed businesses and the funds that own them.

Jasper comes from a background of management consulting (Deloitte Consulting, with an emphasis on Innovation), and sales and strategy for VC-backed and award-winning tech businesses in Africa, US and the UK. The tech he has worked in, has been varied and includes geospatial, insurance and human resources.

Jasper thinks it’s important to solve your clients’ challenges and help them pursue their opportunities. He believes keeping that as your bullseye means that everyone wins.

Jasper is a two-time IronMan triathlon finisher. He thinks having young kids was even harder.