About Elisabeth Storey
Elisabeth Storey is a chartered accountant (FCA) with over 20 years’ experience auditing pension schemes. Since joining RSM in June 2012, Liz has looked after a portfolio of pension scheme audits and currently has a portfolio of approximately 40 schemes. These range in size from a family SSAS with £20m of assets to a scheme with over £14bn of assets.
In addition to her client role, Liz is head of training for the pensions team and is a member of RSM’s pensions technical forum.
Liz is a member of PRAG and a regular speaker on subjects such as the Combined Code and fraud and cyber risks in the pensions industry at events such as those run by the PMI and the PLSA. Liz has provided training sessions on key subjects for a number of pension scheme trustee boards.
Liz is treasurer of the South London Group of the PLSA and until recently was the secretary to the PRAG SORP working party and a member of the PRAG ESG working party.