Bill White

About Bill White
Bill White leads the forensic services team in the South West and the Midlands. He has over 25 years experience of forensic accountancy and investigations, acting in pre-litigation and shadow advice roles as well as an expert witness, including as a single joint expert.
His main areas of work include commercial disputes, particularly involving contentious valuations and loss of profits assessments, and matrimonial, personal injury and fatal accident claims. Bill has specialised experience within the financial services industry.
He also undertakes expert determination work, often in respect of shareholder and contractual disputes involving the valuation of shares or the determination of completion accounts or earn-out accounts following a transaction.
He is a Fellow of the ICAEW and an independent expert under the ICAEW’s President’s Appointment Scheme, a member of the ICAEW Valuation and Forensic and Expert Witness groups, the Chairman of the Bristol Members Group of the Fraud Advisory Panel, and a member of The Expert Witness Institute.