About Andy Nalliah

Andy Nalliah leads our national Court Work team of 18 people, spanning three offices within Creditor Solutions.

As a licensed Insolvency Practitioner (IP), Andy takes on personal insolvency assignments, specifically bankruptcies and bespoke individual voluntary arrangements. He also takes appointments as a liquidator in Compulsory Liquidation assignments. Regardless of whether a client is the debtor or the creditor, Andy can guide them through the process, offer solutions, and help provide added value. 

Andy is a proud RSM graduate, having been with the firm for nearly 20 years since leaving university and is a licensed Insolvency Practitioner and Chartered Accountant. Andy spent nearly ten years working in corporate restructuring and advisory before relocating to specialise in court-led insolvencies.

‘Insolvency, while challenging, can often be viewed as a sign of a dynamic economy. As an IP, my experienced team and I can play our part by undertaking thorough investigations to maximise recoveries in insolvency scenarios. A key motivation for me is to deliver meaningful returns to unsecured creditors, many of whom are clients of Creditor Solutions. Beyond this, we understand our role in the larger economic context. By effectively managing insolvency, we’re positively contributing to the cycle of economic activity and recovery.’ 

Outside of casework, Andy is a member of the R3 Personal Insolvency Committee, regularly contributes to various insolvency service led ‘Calls to Evidence’ and publishes commentary on a quarterly basis in regard to personal insolvency numbers and statistics. Andy has also appeared on BBC Radio 4’s Moneybox programme.

RSM timeline:

  • April 2021: Promoted to Partner and became Court Work lead 
  • April 2018: Promoted to Creditor Solutions Director
  • March 2009: Became Restructuring & Recover Administrator 
  • September 2006: Joined RSM UK as an Audit Junior