Andrea Deegan
About Andrea Deegan
Andrea Deegan worked in the field of fraud prevention and investigation for over 20 years. She works with a wide range of not for profit and corporate organisations develop a proactive approach to fraud prevention.
Fraud is rightly now on the agenda of many organisations, whether imposed by regulatory requirements or as they aspire to demonstrate good practice in the field of fraud prevention. Her work often helps them develop their internal anti-fraud strategies, encompassing Fraud Risk Assessments, awareness activities and directed fraud detection work.
Andrea leads on wide ranging reactive investigations, where clients have been victims of fraud and undertaking investigations compliant with overarching regulatory requirements when incidents of fraud are identified.
Andrea is a management graduate, Accredited Counter Fraud Specialist and Fellow Chartered Certified Accountant (FCCA). She joined a RSM predecessor firm in 2001 as an internal auditor and quickly moved into the field of fraud investigation.
When asked about what she enjoys about her work, Andrea says:
"I enjoy the variety of my job. Our team is focussed on fraud prevention and investigating instances of alleged fraud. This means we deal with a variety of circumstances and often liaise with the most senior post holders at our clients. Being that trusted advisor and offering expertise to our clients on matters that are seriously important to them, their colleagues and the future of their businesses, is a rewarding position to be in."
Outside of work, she is kept busy by her two sons and when she is not spectating their football games, she love going on walks, bike rides and trips to the coast with her family.
Andrea's RSM timeline:
- 2019: promoted to Director
- 2001: joined RSM predecessor firm