The Real Economy

People Perspectives – redefining the workforce

Multiple waves of economic turmoil have battered the shores of the UK over the past 12 months. The impact on both employers and employees has been significant. However, amidst the chaos, those who have adapted have discovered opportunities.

The advent of new technologies, along with flexible working options and the globalisation of the workforce, has equipped businesses with the tools to keep their employees engaged, productive, and empowered with the necessary skills to achieve strategic goals. The question for middle market businesses – are they fully embracing these opportunities?

The Real Economy's latest research delves into the impact of the substantial changes that the UK workforce has had to adapt to in the past year. With data collected directly from the heart of the middle market and expert analysis, this research provides valuable insights into the effects of these transformations.

The Real Economy

The Real Economy offers an accurate and current reflection of the middle market to help businesses anticipate and address the issues and challenges they face in todays economy.

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 UK quarterly economic outlook
The Real Economy

UK quarterly economic outlook - Q4 2024

Following a period of stagnation, the UK economy is on track for sharp growth in 2025.