The Real Economy

Generative AI

Generative AI took the world by storm back in 2022 with the launch of ChatGPT. Since then, much has been discussed on the technology and the potential impact it will have across businesses and industries. As the hype around the technology fades and reality of the task of understanding and leveraging this technology sets in businesses are exploring how to use the technology to best affect in their organisations.

In the wake of this seismic impact of generative AI we asked out panel of middle market business leaders about how they are using the tool, where they feel it will help them most and where they believe the risks lie.

With data collected from the heart of the middle market our data and commentary offer an insight into how generative AI is being embraced in the UK’s middle market and how much more progress needs to truly leverage its advantages.

The Real Economy

How will generative AI affect businesses in the middle market?

Explore our generative AI podcast series where our panel of experts discusses the impact and potential of this emerging technology.
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UK quarterly economic outlook

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