Good Work, how we achieve it and how to develop a great HR strategy

27 October 2023

The most recent Good Work Index, published by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) CIPD Good Work Index 2023: Summary report considers what is good work. It examines the mechanisms employees consider to be valuable in a work environment, for example, autonomy in role and empowerment along with the whole employee experience.

Employee experience and the link to overall wellbeing has long been a topic of conversation for business leaders and HR departments. In recent years, there has been a significant focus on hybrid working models and the forthcoming changes to flexible working arrangements, provide a further step towards improving a work/life balance for many.

What is Good Work?

In summary, the CIPD believes good work is:

  • fairly rewarded and gives people the means to securely make a living;
  • allows for work–life balance;
  • gives opportunities to develop, and ideally a sense of fulfilment;
  • provides a supportive environment with constructive relationships;
  • gives employees the voice and choice they need to shape their working lives; and
  • physically and mentally healthy for people.

The CIPD’ s Good Work Index captures data on the following seven key dimensions of work , which in turn help the research to define what good looks like.

  • Pay and benefits;
  • Contracts;
  • Work life balance;
  • Job design and the nature of work;
  • Relationships at work;
  • Employee voice; and
  • Health and wellbeing

These 7 key points should form the backbone of a robust HR strategy to engage people and build and retain a workforce which is resilient in a sustainable way. They should also link to an organisation’s environment, social and governance (ESG) strategy, as HR strategy should not be written in isolation. Instead, it should be aligned clearly to the other business strategies of an organisation.

At RSM HR, we can help clients formulate the right HR strategy by understanding their business, their sector, and their challenges. We can help organisations build out the social aspect in ESG, creating not only high performing teams but ones that are sustainable into the future. Focusing on key areas such as wellbeing but also other important social aspects of ESG such as diversity, equity and inclusion, career resilience, community and engagement.

If your organisation would like help creating an HR strategy that really focuses on the social part of ESG and aligns to your business plan and your values successfully, please get in touch with Kerri Constable.