Dividend Watch Dividend Watch

Dividend Watch

Better claim management, higher insolvency dividends. No win, no fee.

What is Dividend Watch?

Dividend Watch offers better insolvency claim management, from the lodging of claims right through to the final dividend.

Long insolvency claim periods can exacerbate the financial impact of unpaid bad debts on your business and reduce productivity due to administrative burden. Furthermore, some Insolvency Practitioners (IPs) work on time-based fees, which eat into the settlement you eventually receive. Dividend Watch’s effective claim management can ensure the highest possible final dividends, with the smallest operational impact.

Dividend Watch is an online software and supporting specialist service that helps you maximise insolvency dividends and minimise operational impact of insolvency claims, turning unpaid bad debts into predictable revenue.

How it works and benefits

  • Lodge your claim online
  • Claims managed by specialists
  • Access bespoke reports
  • Effective claim management

Lodge your claim online

Lodging your claim via the Dividend Watch online software is the first step. It is quick and easy to input basic claim details, which will be the final task you'll face. You can lodge a single claim, many thousands of claims, late claims or the pursuit of lost (written-off or forgotten) income.

Claims managed by specialists

Once a claim is lodged, our dedicated team of specialists take full administrative responsibility on your behalf, including completion of proof of debt. We manage the claim through to the final dividend and update you monthly of any changes.

Access bespoke reports

You get real-time online access to the status of all claims with a bespoke reporting 'dashboard’ that includes an estimate of probable future dividends. It tells you everything you need to know about single claims or overall performance and can give strategic insights into trends, threats and opportunities.

Effective claim management

No win no fee policy means you don't pay if dividends don't result. Our specialists take full responsibility from the moment you register a claim with us. We ensure paperwork and deadlines are handled properly and also ask the appointed IP for regular updates and try to arrange capped IP fees whenever possible. Because our own IPs designed Dividend Watch, we are ideally placed to make sure your claims are managed more effectively.

Explore more about Dividend Watch and related creditor services


For more information or to find out how to lodge your first claim, please complete the enquiry form below: